Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Tuesday 30th. December

Result of today's 3 CLUBS and a PUTTER Stableford (27 players):

1st.  - Gerry Collier 38 pts.
2nd. - Dave Butler 36 pts. (CB)
3rd. - Martin Buckingham 36 pts.
4th. - Paddy Marcks 35 pts. (CB)

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Tuesday 30th. December


Tuesday's Roll Up will be an Individual Stableford competition with 3 CLUBS and a PUTTER.

So, if you want to try out that new Christmas present, it has to be one of your 3 clubs or your putter.
You are not allowed to carry any more clubs. Enjoy a light bag and easy club selection!

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Tuesday 23rd. December 2014

Result of today's Individual Stableford:

Division 1
                Malcolm Saunders - 41 pts.
                David Williams -     34 pts.

Division 2
                G. Collier -     37 pts.
                B. Rollerson - 36 pts.

Division 3
                Bob Harvey - 37 pts.
                Derek Tidy -  35 pts.

Nearest the Pin (15th. hole): - Gerry Collier.
For those who missed the N.P. marker today, I will endeavour to have it painted in a luminous colour and have a flashing light attached, before it's next outing on 6th. January!!!

January's programme is now posted on the Seniors Notice Board.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Sunday 21st. December

The next two weeks (as the days grow longer):

Tues.  23rd. Dec. 2014 - Roll Up, Individual Stableford

Thurs. 25th. Dec. 2014 - Witney Lakes Resort closed

Tues.  30th. Dec. 2014 - Roll Up. 3 Clubs and a Putter, with a "New Year" Hot Chocolate on the       Captain for those who survive the round.

Thurs. 1st. Jan. 2015 -   The golf course will be accessible but all other facilities, including the Sports Bar, will be shut. There is nothing organised for the Seniors BUT everybody is invited to take part in Terry Edmond's Birthday Bash, an Individual Stableford competition. You can sign up for this at the club or simply roll up. First tee time 09.30.

Tues. 6th. Jan. 2015  -   Roll Up Individual Stableford.


Thursday, 18 December 2014

Thursday 18th. December

Result of today's Winter Stableford Round 2:

Division 1
                Robin Day -     31 pts.
                Andy Wright - 30 pts.

Division 2
                Cliff Smith - 36 pts.
                John Watt -   32 pts. (C.B.)

Division 3
                Martin Buckingham - 33pts.
                John Robinson -         24 pts.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Wednesday 17th. December

From the Christmas Bash meal:

November / December's Notorious Bandit is captured:

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Tuesday 16th. December

Result of today's Christmas Bash Texas Scramble:

1st.  Glyn Rees, Graham Rutson, Dinger Long and Bob Kirkwood

2nd. Kevin Timms, Martin Buckingham, Gerry Collier and Richard Gent

3rd. Cliff Smith, Richard Woodward, Roger Laban and Eric Wearing

The overall winner was Witney Lakes Seniors Section.
Thank you to everybody who took part today, both on the course and in the Sports Bar.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Tuesday 16th. December

Christmas Bash - Texas Scramble Tues. 16th. December

We have 48 players signed up and no spare tee times! The treasurer is going grey.

There will be a sheet with the key rules in the Sports Bar, these are -

  • A minimum of 4 tee shots per player must be used
  • "Through the green", mark the selected ball with a tee peg (within 6 in. and not nearer the hole)
  • On the green, mark the selected "best ball" with a ball marker, 1 putter head to the side
  • If the selected ball is in the rough or a hazard!!! then the other players must drop, not place their ball
  • ONLY ONE PERSON has to hole out for the team to complete the hole. (Try to keep your team moving)
  • The teams score for the hole will be the number of shots taken by the first player to hole out
I hope everybody has an enjoyable day on the course and in the Sports Bar afterwards.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Thursday 11th. December 2014

Result of today's Bowmaker team game (24 players + 2 U-Boat matches)

1st.   Mike Smith, Geoff Mills, Bob Harvey -             75 pts.
2nd. John Watt, Roy Williams, Richard Woodward - 73 pts.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Tuesday 16th. December

The Christmas Bash - 4 Ball Texas Scramble (the rules of Texas Scramble can be found in the 'Competition Rules' section of our website).

Please see the tee times section for your team and your start time (we have a two tee start).The name in bold type I have designated as the team captain, who will be responsible for:

  • keeping the group moving
  • completing the groups score card
  • completing the groups quiz answer sheet
  • twisting the groups arms for contributions to Annie's present and staff tip
I will provide score cards with team members names and handicaps and the strokes received by the team. (The team total handicaps range from 83 to 88)
There will be prizes (of the liquid type) for the first 3 teams and N.P. prizes at the 6th. and 12th. holes.

I anticipate everyone being back in the Sports Bar shortly after 1.00pm with food being available on a rolling basis and a quiz being completed on a team basis.

Presentation of prizes for events since the start of November and then a presentation to Annie, will follow the quiz results and conclude the day.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Thursday 11th. December

Thursday's Roll Up will be a Bowmaker Mark1 Stableford Team Game played off full handicap.

In teams of 3: one player's score counts on holes 1 to 6; two players scores count on holes 7 to 12, and all three players scores count on holes 13 to 18.

THE SCORECARD must show the gross score and stableford points for each player, the total number of points for the hole and the final total for 18 holes.

Tuesday 9th. December

REVISED RESULT (with my apologies) of today's December Medal

Division 1
                Bert Hale        76 (C. B.)
                Mike Steward 76 (C.B.)

Division 2
               Gerry Collier 73
               Dinger Long  75 (C. B.)

Division 3
               Richard Woodward  73 (C.B.)
               Martin Buckingham 73

December Medal winner: Gerry Collier (C.B.)

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Christmas Bash - Tues. 16th. December

If you haven't already signed up for the Christmas Bash please make sure that you do so by the end of play, next Tuesday 9th. December. I have to confirm meal numbers (it's a 'free' meal) and organise teams.

Thursday 4th. December

Result of today's Roll Up (20 players)

Mike Steward -    38 pts. (C.B.)
Alan Jones -         38 pts.
Graham Rutson - 36 pts.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Thursday 4th. December

U-BOAT Round 1 and ROLL UP

There are now only 4 U-Boat matches which can played on Thursday.
I have not been able to secure a two tee start but some members have helpfully booked 'extra early' tee times and they will still be part of the roll up. Following the U-Boat matches, which tee off from 08.04 until 08.34 the first available tee time for the roll up is 08.44.

Tuesday 2nd. December

The result of today's Individual Stableford:

Division 1
                Alex Tyrell - 38 pts.
                Robin Day -  36 pts.

Division 2
               Cliff Smith -  37 pts.
               Pat Smith -    35 pts. (CB)

Division 3
               Graham Rutson - 37 pts.
               John Robinson -  36 pts. (CB)

Monday, 1 December 2014

Tuesday 2nd. December


Please put a big smile on Brian's face by paying your monthly subs to him in the Sports Bar tomorrow (Tues. 2nd.Dec.)


Markers please, please complete score cards correctly as per the Rules of Golf. If you enter the gross score, in the relevant column, for each player at each hole and sign the card, you can't go wrong!!
An exception in Stableford is that you do not need to enter a score if the net score will be zero.
You don't have to, but in Stableford, apart from 'blobs,' please enter the points scored as well (as you usually do).
I will be asking the committee to review the way we collect and check scorecards.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Thursday 27th.November

Result of today's Pairs, Better Ball:

1st. -  Barry Holmes and Gerry Collier -  44 pts.
2nd. - Dave Westman and Derek King -  43 pts. (C.B.)
3rd. -  Bob Kirkwood and Ron Deacon - 43 pts.

There were 3 incorrectly completed cards today which were unfortunately DQ'd!!

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Tuesday 25th. November 2014

The result of today's Roll Up (18 players)

James Barnatt - 36 pts.
Mike Steward - 35 pts.
Geoff Mills -     34 pts.

The U-Boat Competition

A reminder that there is a sign up sheet on the notice board for the matches scheduled for Thurs. 4th. December. If you are in Round 1 and all of your group are able to play on that day, please book your tee time asap.
If you are not involved with the U-Boat, the 1st. tee will be available from 9.04 a.m. and I am hoping that the 10th. tee will be available from 8.04 a.m. Watch this space!


Dursley, Gloucs, GL11 6AQ


Wednesday 15th April 2015 Entry Fee £30 per pair

A few of us have played this event for the last couple of years, indeed Mike Steward & Cliff Smith won the prize for the best visiting team last year. It is a nice open course, with a 'links'y feel', it has fantastic views across the Severn Valley and beyond into Wales.

It is about a 1 hour drive, via Cirencester and Tetbury. The entry fee includes coffee on arrival and entry into the 'Nearest The Pin' and 2's comps. Also, based on past years, you will most likely receive a voucher to return and play for £10.

I have posted a list on the noticeboard, If you would like to come along, arrange a partner and put your names on it. I will take the list down on Friday 19th, December and collect the money, so that I can get the entry in before Xmas.

I will be requesting tee-times in the 1000 – 1100 period, but this is not guaranteed.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Thurs. 4th. December

I have allocated 6 tee times for 6 of the 8 first round matches where teams are known to be able to play on 4th. December. These range from 8.04 to 8.54am. There is a sign up sheet on the notice board for matches to claim a particular slot.
 For the remaining members tee times are available on the first tee from 9.04 and I am very hopeful that we will be able to use the 10th. tee from 8.04. Watch this space.

Thurs. 27th. November

A reminder that prize giving is being held over until the 'Christmas Bash' on Tues. 16th. December.
Thursday's format will be similar to the 'end of the month' arrangement last year, i.e.Pairs Better Ball
Stableford. Pairs will be drawn at random from successive groups of eight, as players arrive at the Sports Bar. We will be using both the 1st. and the 10th. tees to start the matches. There will be prizes for the best 3 pairs.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Two Tee Starts

It has not been possible to organise a two tee start for Tues. 25th. November (U-Boat and Roll Up) such that the roll up will commence at 9.00am as per the tee time sheet.
Thurs. 27th. Nov. (the end of the month Pairs Betterball) will be a two tee start and I am hopeful that we can organise further two tee starts for some of our Roll Ups in the future.

Result - Thurs.20th. November

The result of today's Winter Stableford - Round 1

Division 1
                John Alexander - 36pts.
                Mike Smith -       35pts.

Division 2
                Roger Laban - 34pts.
                Cliff Smith -    33pts.

Division 3
                Richard Woodward - 35pts.
                Graham Rutson -       31pts.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Sand Wedge Found

Has anyone lost a Ping G10 Sand Wedge? I found it today by a bunker on the 14th.

At the moment it is still in my bag, I forgot to take it out!

The U-Boat Competition

The draw was made in the Sports Bar this afternoon. With 46 entries there needs to be 7 matches (i.e. 14 pairs involved) in the Preliminary Round on Tues. 25th. November. These matches have been allocated to the first 7 tee times that day and the roll up for remaining members will begin at 9.00am.  Pleases look at the tee time section to see whether you are involved and if so, when your start time is. The full draw, including round 1 will be published shortly.

Result - Tues. 18th. November

The result of today's Individual Teasing Strokeplay:

Division 1
                Andy Wright - 69 (CB)
                Richard Gent - 69

Division 2
                Kevin Timms - 64
                Bill Ford -        69 (CB)

Division 3
                Ron Deacon -   70
                Bob Harvey -   72

Monday, 17 November 2014

Thurs. 27th. November

Although prize giving will be held over until the Christmas Bash (Tues. 16th. December) I still intend to make use of the arranged 'Two Tee Start' for Thurs. 27th. November. This will mean less waiting around to start play that day BUT our last tee time will be 9.00am. I hope that all members are able to arrive in time.

Saturday, 15 November 2014


My apologies to Bert Hale, Brian Woodburn and Tony Carter whose emails regarding entry to the November Medal, I failed to find. I am now, belatedly up to speed with this.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Did you know

At the AGM of the main club last week, Sean Parker (MD of the company) introduced the possibility of again having a golf shop at Witney Lakes. There are a number of interested parties in this idea but one of them is not the John Cooke School of Golf such that the arrival of a golf shop would mean the departure of John and Matthew Cooke and Deana Rushworth. John's point of view is that in the internet age, golf course shops are not commercially viable and very few members would use one for significant purchases. If, like me, you value and use the John Cooke School, which has a deserved, national reputation you may like to make the Witney Lakes Company aware of your opinion.
Of course, if you think that a shop may be better than the golf school, then you may wish to make the company aware of this.

Result - Thurs. 13th.November

The result of today's Individual Stableford:

Division 1
               Dave Williams - 38pts.
               Ron Feasey -      35pts.

Division 2
               Cliff Smith -     40 pts. (CB)
               Barry Holmes - 40pts.

Division 3
               Bob Harvey -         37pts.
               Graham Rushton - 35pts.

Nearest the pin (8th. hole) - Bill Ford

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Christmas Bash - Tues 16th. December

We have arranged for a 'free' meal of Turkey and Ham Pie, Glazed Carrots and Mashed Spuds to be available following the golf.
There will be a sign up sheet for the event for two reasons: 1- so that I can get accurate meal numbers and 2- so that I can organise teams for the golf.
We will also use this day for Prize Giving for all the competitions that will have been played since the start of November. There will also be a quiz for you to attempt over your meal.
I hope that everybody will be able to make this date.

Poor Visibility - an update

Following discussions with Steve Putt, he will be adopting a policy of closing the course if mist or fog means that it is not possible to see the mound of the bunker, on the right of the first fairway, from the tee in use at the time. The Seniors will operate within this framework as of today.

Result Correction

There was an error in the published result for the competition on Tues.28th. October.
For Division 1 the result should read:
Geoff Mills - 38pts.
David Williams - 36 pts.
Paddy Marcks - 35pts.
Apologies to David who was missed off the list and to John Watt who now finds himself displaced.

Result - Tues. 11th. November

The result of today's Medal:

Division 1
                Mike Smith - 67
                David Williams - 72 (cb)

Division 2
                Bill Ford - 78
                Dougie Keen - 79 (cb)

Division 3
                Richard Woodward - 75
                Ron Deacon - 76

November's Medal winner - Mike Smith

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Result - Thurs. 6th. November

Result of today's 3's, 4's and 5's Team Game:

1st.   -88 pts.
       Gerry Collier
       Dougie Keen
       Andy Wright
2nd. - 83 pts.
       James Barnatt
       Barry Holmes
       Kevin Timms  

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Decision on Poor Visibility

There were clearly (no joke intended) issues regarding the poor visibility and associated safety of players this morning (Tues. 4th. Nov.).

Following the game, the committee met and decided on the following policy, until there is further guidance from Witney Lakes Golf Club.

For an organised competition to take place the visibility must be good enough to see the 150 yard marker, on the left of the 1st. fairway, from the 1st. tee.
If this is not the case then the organised competition will be delayed until conditions improve enough for the above criteria to be met, or ultimately cancelled.

Members who are delayed by this situation are able to make their own decision regarding the safety of the conditions and tee off if they wish, providing that Witney Lakes Golf Club has not closed the course. In these circumstances they will not be part of that days organised competition and The Seniors Section will not be responsible for their safety.

Hopefully this will rarely, if ever, apply.

Roll Up Result - Tues. 4th. Nov.

Division 1
1st.   Alex Tyrell -     40 pts.
2nd. Paddy Marcks - 37 pts.

Division 2
1st.   Kevin Timms - 39 pts.
2nd. Cliff Smith -      37pts.

Division 3
1st.   Bob Harvey - 33pts.
2nd.  Barry Lund -  30pts.

Nearest the Pin (6th.) - Gerry Collier

Monday, 3 November 2014

Tues. 4th. November

A reminder that tomorrow's Individual Stableford Roll Up will be the first competition under the new system of 3 divisions (Division 1- handicaps up to and including 19; Division 2- handicaps 20 to 24; Division 3- handicaps 25 to 28). There will also be a N.P. prize at the 6th. hole.

The Handover Dinner

I think that all who attended the dinner (otherwise known as the Mike Smith Trophy Evening) would agree that it was a highly enjoyable, social occasion. Thank you to all the members who made this possible.
Please see Barry's photographs, posted by Alan, on the post below.

Cliff Smith

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Roll Up - Result

Judging by some of the scores today, most people are carrying too many clubs normally. Some others aren't. I hope it was an enjoyable way to finish the year. Thanks for all your support I hope you got fun and fellowship out of it.

Div 1:
1st James Barnatt  37 pts
2nd Mike Smith 36 pts
3rd Cliff Smith 35 pts

Div 2;
1st Martin Buckingham 39 pts
2nd Dinger Long 34 pts
3rd Barry Lund 33 pts

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

New for 2014-15

Further to the AGM I hope that all members will soon be familiar with the following changes under the 'new regime'.

1- Starting with the roll up on Tues 4th. Nov. members will be in one of 3, rather than the present 2, divisions for prizes. Each division will have a 1st. and 2nd. prize only, although the overall prize fund will be significantly increased and 3 divisions should ensure a wider spread of prize winners. Division 1 will be for members with a playing handicap up to and including 19. Division 2 will be for handicaps between 20 and 24 and Division 3 for handicaps of 25 and above. Based on Alan's Eclectic List this will give 3 very even divisions at present.

2- The Captain's Charity Hole will become the 8th. with the pond in front of the tee (rather than the one to the side), being the place to play your ball before putting 50p into the collecting box. Anybody finding the pond from the 13th. tee will need to speak to the Captain personally.

3- The Captain's Charity is the Thames Valley and Chilterns Air Ambulance (TVACAA). I hope the members will be keen to support this very valuable, worthwhile cause. By coincidence it is TVACAA's 15th. anniversary in 2015 and they were looking to organise a golfing event as part of their celebrations. I have pointed them in the direction of our Seniors Open and I am expecting a lot of support from them for our major event.

Regarding more immediate matters:
  • The sign up sheet for the November Medal will be taken down at the end of the day on Thurs. 6th. Nov.
  • The sign up sheet for the U Boat Trophy will be available from Thurs. 30th. Oct.
  • The individual stableford roll up on Tues. 4th. Nov will include a N.P. prize for the 6th. hole
  • Copies of the Years Programme will be available from Thurs. 30th. Oct. I am very grateful to Mike Steward for producing these (once again).
Cliff Smith

Captains Choice 30 Oct 2014

The game to be played on Thursday 30th Oct will be 3 clubs and a putter from the yellow tees.
No more than three clubs and a putter and all the rest of your paraphernalia may be carried on the course.

Roll Up - Result

The result of today's roll up is as follows.

Div 1:
1st Geof Mills 38pts
2nd  Paddy marcks 35 pts
3rd John Watt 33 pts

Div 2
1st Dinger Long 40 pts
2nd Graham Rutson 38 pts
3rd Alan Jones 37 pts

Seniors v Juniors

The Senior section took on the junior section in a match play competition today and the result was an amicable draw 3-3.

It was a very close match. with three losing seniors surviving untill the last 2 holes. Alex Tyrell, James Barnatt and Tony Carter won their matches quite comfortably.

Everybody enjoyed the golf and the fine weather. Many thanks to Alan Lake for organising the day.

Seniors vs Juniors - Result

The match ended up halved at 3 - 3.

All participants, both young and not so young, thoroughly enjoyed the match, with four of the six games being taken to the last couple of holes... the two that were won a bit sooner were both wins for the Seniors' Section.

Whilst they probably won't read this, I would like to thank the members of the Junior Section for giving up a day of their half-term holiday to play and to Mark, the Juniors Organiser, for helping me arrange the game.

Juniors Team -
Jack Lambourne (4)
Matt Craddock (5)
Robert Frost (8)
Ben Armstrong (12)
Josh Hanley (21)
Tony Hanley (19) - may have to check his birth certificate! :-)

Monday, 27 October 2014

Match v Juniors - Tue 28th Oct

The Juniors will be fielding a team of six for tomorrow's match.. with handicaps of 4, 5, 8, 12, 12 & 21.. should be easy then!!

The Seniors Team will be...
  • John Alexander
  • Mike Smith
  • James Barnatt
  • Tony Carter
  • Mike Steward
  • Alex Tyrell
  • Glyn Rees
  • Alan Lake
Please be at the golf club by 0900, for a start of appx 0930 behind the roll-up.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Roll Up 21st Oct

Sorry I appear not to have published the result of the Roll Up on 21st Oct 2014.
1st: Bob Harvey. 31 pts (CB)
2nd Tony Carter 31 pts
3rd Barry Lund  29 pts.
There were only 22 competitors so only three prizes.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Captain's Handover Dinner

The 'sign up' deadline for the dinner is Wed. 29th.

We have to confirm numbers then so please add your names to the list if you are able to attend and haven't 'signed up' yet.

For everybody attending PLEASE, PLEASE pay your money to Brian BEFORE the day.

The buffet menu will include: Poached Salmon, Beef, Ham and a Vegetarian Quiche with a variety of salads. There will be a choice of 3 deserts.

The evening will include a presentation of trophies as well as The Handover.


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Bowmaker Roll Up 23 Oct

here is the result of today's Roll Up
1st: Derrick King , John Alexander, Mike Steward 81 pts
2nd: Glyn Rees, James Barnatt, Dinger Long 78 pts.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Captain's Handover Dinner - Fri. 31st. Oct.

As of tomorrow (Tues. 21st. Oct.) Brian will be more than happy to collect money from you for the Captain's Handover Dinner. The cost is £16 per head for a two course meal. If you have not already signed up for this event I hope you will be able to add your name to the list this week so that final numbers can be confirmed with the restaurant. I look forward to seeing you on 31st. October.

Friday, 17 October 2014

AGM 22 Oct 2014 7pm

This is a reminder that the Senior Section AGM will be held at Witney Lakes at 7pm on Wed 22nd Oct 2014. A copy of last year's minutes are posted on the notice board and copies will be available at the meeting.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Roll Up 16 Oct 2014

The results from today's Roll Up are as follows:
 Pat Hiles,Barry Holmes, John Watt 78 pts
Bob Harvey, Richard Woodward, Graham Rutson. 75 pts
Alex Tyrell, Eric Wearing, Mike Dawson 74 pts (CB).

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Roll Up Tuesday 14th Oct

Div 1:
Gerry Collier 36 pts
M.Steward 35 pts
M.Smith 34 pts
Div 2:
B.Holmes 40 pts
J.Courtney 33 pts
K Timms 31 pts (CB)

Monday, 13 October 2014

Senior's AGM

It has been drawn to my attention that the date and time of the AGM has not been posted on the website, although it has been on the notice board for sometime. The AGM will be held at Witney Lakes at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 22nd Oct 2014.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Masters Trophy 9th Oct 2014

I am pleased to announce that the winner of this years Masters Trophy with a net score of 74 is
Mike Smith.
Martin Buckingham was a close second, only losing on countback with Ron Feasey in 3rd spot.

Joe Homan Golf Day

Not that I am prone to bragging, but... James Barnatt and I played in the Joe Homan Charity Day at Wragg Barn today. And after  amassing 104 pts (James) and 116 pts (Glyn) in the Masters at Windey Lakes on Thursday we were not hopeful of success. However we came away with the team trophy and James won the individual prize with 38 pts beating me on countback. Here is a photo of the trophy.

Roll Up 9th Oct

Apologies for the delay in posting these results. My computer refused to play with Google chrome. So Finally
1st:  Barry Lund 40pts
2nd: Graham Rutson 34 pts (CB)
3rd Andy Wright 34 pts

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Eclectic Competition - Final Result

With the final 'white tee qualifier' completed, we now have the result of the Eclectic Competition, in 1st and 2nd place are...

Congratulations to John and Mike and I hope you enjoy your day at the Buckingham Pairs Open in April of next year.

Match v Junior Section

I am in the process of organising a match against our Junior Section, for Tuesday, 28th October, during the half-term break.

I expect it to be singles matchplay, off full handicap difference, played from the white tees. We will go off behind the roll-up, appx 0930 and go in 4-balls to avoid taking up too many tee-times.

The Junior Section is not very strong - numbers wise - at the moment, but Mark (the Juniors Organiser) expects to be able to get at least 6 to play.

They are, however, very strong ability wise, so I will be hoping to talk our lower handicap players into taking part... I'll be in touch!

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Invotech Results

Div 1:
1st  John Watt  73
2nd Tony Carter 74
3rd Alan Lake 75

Div 2:
1st Kevin Timms 75 (CB)
2nd Barry Holmes 75 (CB)
3rd Richard Woodward 75

Therefore the winner of the Invotech Trophy was John Watt.

Masters + Roll Up

The teetimes list  for the Masters is published on the Teetimes page. There will be a Stableford Roll Up for the also rans starting at 09.00 am.

Friday, 3 October 2014

October Medal - Result

The winner of the October Monthly Medal by a handsome margin which got him cut was Tony Carter.

Div 1:
T.Carter 63
C.Baker  69
D.Westman 71

Div 2:
A.Lake 69
J.Robinson 70
R.Harvey 71

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Delayed publication of Roll Up 18/9/14

Due to the hierarchy taking a well earned break the results of the Roll up on 18/9/14 have been delayed so despite us trying to hide the facts from Dinger's followers here are the results.
!st :
D.Long 39 pts(CB)
M.Steward 39 pts (CB)
3rd :
W.Ford 39 pts (CB)

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Ryderless Cup

After an excellent day's golf the result of the Ryderless cup was much closer than the real thing. The Captain played his cards right and put out the stars early but failed to win his own game as the Captains team came home winners  6 pts to 4. As most people enjoyed the day we should think of playing this earlier in the year so members can see how much fun there is in match play.

Medal Teetimes

The Oct Medal teetimes are published on the teetimes page.

Ryderless Cup Teams and Tee Times

Ryderless Cup 30th Sep 2014
4 Ball better ball ¾ Handicap Matchplay

1st Tee
Captain’s Team Names Red Team
V.Captain’s Team Names Blue Team

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Roll-Up (Eric's Game) - Result

1st.  D.Stone 12pts.
2nd. J. Watt 12 pts. (c.b.)
3rd. G. Collier 14 pts. (c.b.)

Meanwhile, at Shrivenham - almost a whitewash, unfortunately in favour of the home team.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Roll-Up on Thursday 25th

John Alexander is running the roll-up. The arrangement is to play Eric's Game i.e. the front 9 played as stoke play and the back 9 as stableford.

Each players final score is arrived at by subtracting the stableford points from the number of strokes taken on the front 9. The lower the outcome the better.

Roll-Up & Ewart Chitty Trophy - Result

Ewart Chitty Trophy (for over 70's) and Roll-up (for the youngsters).

Div.1 - 1st.  Tony Carter - 40 points
            2nd. Roger Laban - 39 points
            3rd. Mike Steward - 38 points

Div.2 - 1st.  Martin Buckingham - 40 points
             2nd. Mike Dawson - 38 points
             3rd. Barry Lund - 37 points

Ewart Chitty trophy winner: Martin Buckingham

Monday, 22 September 2014

Captain's Handover Dinner & Presentation Evening

As I hope you already know, our annual 'Handover Dinner' will take place in the Witney Lakes Restaurant (and patio if appropriate) on Friday 31st. October.

The evening, starting at 7.00pm for 7.30pm will include a two course meal and will cost £16 per person.

A sign up sheet will be posted on the Seniors notice board on Tues. 23rd. September and tickets will be available from Brian Rollerson.

I very much hope that you and your partner or guest will be able to attend.

Cliff Smith

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Match V West Berks

Owing to a late change the team and playing order has changed. Please see the Matches page.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Roll Up 18/9/14

This will be a normal Stableford Roll Up started by Mike Smith. Will the last in please put the cards and sign up sheet in the office.

Roll Up Bowmaker - Result

 M.Smith  81

R.Kirkwood 76 (CB)

B.Holmes 76

Friday, 12 September 2014

The Eclectic Competition - update

With just three 'white tee qualifiers' remaining to the end of the season, there is still all to play for at the top of Eclectic table....

Did Malcolm really get an Eagle on the 13th, in the August Medal?? I'm suprised he's not still talking about it! Well played,Sir.

Wilf Shirley Trophy - Result

The Wilf Shirley was won by Kevin Timms with 37pts, on countback from Barry Lund and Malcolm Saunders.

Division 1
PlayerScoreNew Exact
Mr Malcolm Saunders37c17.4
Mr Jim Postles36c15.0
Mr Michael Smith35c13.9
Division 2
PlayerScoreNew Exact
Mr Kevin Timms37c23.0After Count-Back
Mr Barry Lund37c26.0After Count-Back
Mr Richard Woodward34c26.8After Count-Back

Naunton Downs - Result

A good day was had by all (well most!!) at Naunton Downs on Tuesday.

The winner with an excellent 41pts was Kevin Timms.

The gallant runner-up was Alan Lake, with a not quite as excellent 39pts.

In 3rd place with 35pts (I think) was Derek Tidy, who is pictured below with John Alexander, Eric Wearing and Alan Jones, on the 13th tee.

Is the tee marker trying to tell us something??

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Seniors' Section Masters

With just three remaining masters qualifying competitions, the following is a list of those currently invited.

This list will be posted on the Seniors' notice board shortly, if you are on the list and wish to play, please tick the appropriate box on the list.



Doug Keen

Past Masters Winner (2011) & August Medal Winner

Dave Westman

Last 5 Section Champs (Gross), Past Masters Winner (2012) & Sept Medal

Malcolm Saunders

Winter Stableford R1 & R2 Winner

John Alexander

Winter Stab R3/Overall Winner & Summer Stab R1 & R4 Winner

John Watt

Winter Stableford R4 Winner

David Williams

Winter Stableford R5 Winner

Mike Steward

Summer Stableford R2 & Jan Medal Winner

Pat Smith

Summer Stableford R3/Overall Winner, Jun Medal Winner & Summer KO

Jim Ives

Summer Stableford R5 Winner

Glyn Rees

Nov Medal Winner

Cliff Smith

Dec Medal Winner & Reg Mills Trophy

Ron Feasey

Feb Medal Winner

Tony Carter

Mar Medal Winner

James Barnatt

Apr Medal & Spring Away Day Winner

Paddy Marcks

May Medal, Hot Toddy & U-Boat Winner

Barry Holmes

Current Section Champion (Nett)

Dinger Long

Bill Graves Trophy

Mike Smith

U-Boat, Eric Clack Winner, Current Section Champ (Gross) & Gavin Brown

Frank Hay

Steve Putt Trophy

Kevin Timms

Autumn Away Day & Wilf Shirley Trophy Winner


Ewart Chitty Trophy


Oct Medal Winner


Invotec Trophy

October Program

The greens at Witney Lakes are being tined & top-dressed, on 13th Oct, so I have rearranged the program.

2nd  Monthly Medal
7th  Invotec
9th Masters and Roll Up
14th Roll Up
16th Roll Up 5,4,3
21st Roll Up
23rd Bowmaker Team Roll Up
28th Roll Up
30th Captains Choice?

Monday, 8 September 2014

Roll Up Tuesday 9th Sep 2014

Due to the away day there will be no organised Roll Up at Witney Lakes on Tuesday 9th Sep 2014.

Feel free to play anything you wish.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Away Day At Naunton Downs

The groups and tee-times, for next Tuesday's trip to Naunton Downs, are on the Senior's notice-board at the golf club.

Unfortunately it's just a hand-written list and a copy is not available to post on the website.

The first group is off at 11.00am, so if you haven't seen the list and will not be at the golf club before Tuesday, then I suggest making sure you are at Naunton Downs by 10.30 at the latest, if you want time for a coffee and a bacon roll.

For anyone still unsure how to get there... click [HERE] for directions from Witney Lakes to Naunton Downs GC.

September Medal - Result

The winner of the September Medal is Dave Westman, with a superb nett 68.

Division 1
PlayerScoreNew Exact
Mr David Westman81 - 13c = 6812.5Lowest Gross
Mr Anthony Carter90 - 18c = 7217.5
Mr Gerry Collier93 - 20c = 7320.3
Division 2
PlayerScoreNew Exact
Mr Alan Lake93 - 22c = 7121.5Lowest Gross
Mr Bob Harvey101 - 28c = 7328.0
Mr D. J. Alan Jones99 - 23c = 7623.3After Count-Back

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Roll Up - Result

Today we tried out the 'Barber's Pole' course...

1st: T.Carter 41 pts
2nd: Pat Smith 36 pts (CB)
3rd: A. Wright 36 pts

Friday, 29 August 2014

Match V West Berks Home

Please note the first teetime is 10.00 am.

Treasurer Away

Brian is away again and will not be available to collect fees until the second week of September. He is thinking of us!

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Roll-Up Format - Tue 2nd September

OK, I am running the roll-up next Tuesday... here is the PROPOSED format.

If you think it's a pile of crap and wouldn't want to play, please click the 'No Comments' link below and say so (anonymously if you wish)... if enough people do so then I won't spend any more time on it or waste paper printing out the cards.

Note: If you really like it and think I'm wonderful then please comment also! :-)

Yer 'tis.......

The Barber's Pole Course

I know most people quite enjoy the 'Teesing' games, playing from alternate Red, Yellow & White tees, so this is something similar but with a few differences.

It will be a Stableford competition and we will alternate playing from Red & White tees only, but to a card with some amended Pars and Stroke Indices. A printed card will be provided and is reproduced below.

This course will be a Par 70 and, as it is some 300 yds shorter than the regular Yellow Tee course, everyone will play off their Playing Hcp - 3.

So, whaddya think?

PS: You can use all of your clubs!! ;-)

Roll Up - Result & August Prizegiving

Today's roll-up was a Stableford Betterball Pairs competition, the result was...

1st :
Robbie.Robinson  46 pts

Derek King 44 pts
Martin Buckingham

Alex Tyrell  42 pts
Bert Hales

We aloo had the prize-giving for this month, noteworthy recipients pictured below -

Summer Stableford Overall Winner - Pat Smith

Gavin Brown Trophy Winner - Mike Smith

Summer KO Matchplay Winner - Pat Smith

Bandit Of The Month, for 45pts in a Non-Qualifier - Doug Keen
(Apologies for the picture quality... the earthquake had only just started to subside when the last pic was taken)

Bill Woodbridge Birthday Bash

The first teetime is 10.00 am off the 10th tee. There are about  32 players so we will go out as four balls, playing individual stableford with Bill teeing off first. The rest of the teams will be sorted out on the day. Following the game there will be lunch of Lasagne and Chips.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Stinchcombe Hill GC

A few of us had a ride out to Stinchcombe Hill Golf Club (nr Dursley, Glos), today... here are a few pics taken by John Alexander.
Kevin Timms on the 6th tee

Cliff Smith on the 6th green

Matt Cook, Kevin Timms & Cliff Smith (possibly 5th tee)

'The Group' adjacent to the 18th green

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Sign Up

Sign Up sheets are up on the board for Monthly Medal (4th) and Wilf Shirely (11th).

Gavin Brown Trophy - Result

Div 1:
Michael Smith 72
Alex Tyrell      76
James Barnatt 79

Div 2:
Glyn Rees      74
Barry Lund      75
Martin Buckingham 77

Roll Up 21/8/14

Only 6 members took part in the official Roll Up on Thursday organised by Bob Kirkwood. So there will only be one prize but the other participants will not be charged a match fee.
Dinger Long.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Weekend Competition Info

For the benefit of 7-day members of the Seniors' Section, who also play in weekend competitions, I have created a 'Weekend Competition Info' page.

It can be accessed from the link towards the bottom of the right-hand column on each page.

I will try to get tee times posted shortly after the draw is done on a Friday.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Summer Stableford Overall Result

The winner of the 2014 Summer Stableford is Pat Smith, with a total of 108 pts for his best 3 scores from 5 rounds, for a level par average of exactly 36.

Players with scores over 100 below...

Mr Patrick Smith108
Mr Andy Wright107
Mr John Watt107
Mr John Alexander105
Mr David Long105
Mr Mike Steward105
Mr Alex Tyrell102
Mr Colin Baker101
Mr Patrick Marcks100