Tuesday 12 August 2014

Seniors' Open - Result

1st M Saunders Witney Lakes P Barnard The Wychwood 44 pts
2nd R Laban Witney Lakes B Holmes Witney Lakes 42 pts
3rd A Carter Witney Lakes F Hay Witney Lakes 39 pts
4th J Barnatt Witney Lakes C Croxford The Springs 39 pts

2's competition:
Ron Deacon
Paul Leighton
Putting Competition:
Roger Hinton
 nearest Pin in 2 on 2nd:
Longest Drive 5th: 
Mike Burlow
Nearest Pin 6th:
Alan Wakefield
Nearest Pin 8th:
Nearest Pin 12th: 
Glyn Rees
Nearest Pin 15th:
Mike Dawson
Longest Drive 18th: 

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