Thursday, 30 November 2017

Hi Guys,

Quite a few bits for news and updates.

Kevin Sheehan
Kevin has advised me that he has to undergo triple heart bypass surgery on the 17th December.
I am sure we all wish Kevin the best and hope for a speedy return to our ranks.

Mixed Match with the Ladies
A number of us played with the Witney Lakes Ladies on Wednesday. It has been some time since we last played together, but thanks to Carol McFarland 22 players teed off on Wednesday 29th for a pairs 9 hole competition.
The ladies provided lots for Mince Pies and other festive treats and Annie made us her cider cake.
The winners were 
1. Peter Burdon and Linda Clarkson 21 points
2. Bob Kirkwood and Tina Snow 19 points
3. Tony Daly and Joyce Mills 19 points

Peter also won the nearest the pin.

Deana Bunker Lesson
8 brave souls turned up on a freezing Wednesday afternoon for a Bunker lesson with Deana.
We learnt how to get out of a normal bunker lie, keep the weight on the front foot,  lower the end of the club nearest to the hands, open the club face to get the bounce of the club and hit behind the ball. 
The next shot was a plugged ball, here a steeper shot is required to get the ball out.
Finally a fairway bunker where a tight grip is need on the club.

Malcolm Saunders did a great Bunker shot on the 15th today following the lesson

Anyone struggling with any golf shot, now is a good time to book a lesson with either Deana or Adam to get yourself ready for the New Year.

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