Wednesday, 8 November 2017

It was a little bit wet today, but not too bad.

I don't know what the less intrepid among us will be like when the winds pick up and there is driving rain , or frosty mornings!!

Anyhow 18 brave souls ventured  out and as mentioned, once out there it was ok for golf with the course playing well.

I would like to welcome Mike (his name is not John, Doug!) Twyman, to the seniors section. Mike has been with Witney Lakes a number of years, but has just seen the light and is looking to join in with us. Mike can't be with us for the next week or so, but has said he will return. Brian of course took the opportunity of extracting the fees from him immediately

I had the good fortune of seeing Ron Deacon produce a masterclass of using his handicap to full advantage, however he will need to up hi game as HowDidIDo has just cut him from 28 to 26.4

As only 18 participants there is just one divison

The winners were;

Ron Deacon 37 points
Doug Keen 33 points on countback
Mike Twyman 33 points

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