Tuesday 31 March 2015

Match v Kirtlington

The result of today's match was (unfortunately) a win for our visitors 3 1/2 to 2 1/2.
Despite the very windy weather it was a very enjoyable occasion. Thank you to everybody who took part so spiritedly.

Results from the Roll-Up Better Ball Stableford Team Game played today (Tuesday 31st March).

FIRST: Martin Buckingham, Dave Butler and Bill Ford [38 points CB on last 3 holes]
SECOND: Colin Baker, Mike Steward and Dick Harris [38 points]

Well done to all on this very wind-swept day!!

Monday 30 March 2015

Useful Links

I have added a 'Useful Links' section in the right hand column.

There is a link to a new 'main club' competitions website, which is being built and maintained by Wally Jackson. The contents of which will primarily be of interest to section members who are 7-day members.

However, I would like to draw everyone's attention to the 'Captain's Roll-Up' section. This is a 9-hole roll-up which takes place on Wednesday evenings (1630 - 1730), through the summer months and is open to ALL MEMBERS. The first comp of 2015 is on Wed, 1st April.

Saturday 28 March 2015

April Matches

I have posted the teams for the Hadden Hill (away) and Naunton Downs (away) matches on the Matches section of the website.
Please note that the Hadden Hill fixture is a 'breakfast' arrangement, with breakfast being taken at 08.30 am. and the first tee time being 09.30 am. There will also be refreshments after the match.
Please note the roll-up for next Tuesday (31st March) is a Better Ball Stableford Team Game. You have teams of three players, and for each hole you take only the best Stableford score amongst the players. Use one card per team showing ALL the scores for ALL the players in the team (if they have holed out.. It is not necessary to hole out if you can't make a better score than someone who has already holed out).

Tee-off times are between 7.48 am to 9.16 am. There is a home fixture against Kirtlington teeing-off at 10.30 am.

Honours Boards

A big thank you to Leon Goudal for once again updating our Honours Boards. These are now hanging back in place, updated for 2014 and also include a certain "hole in one" from this year.

Match v Kirtlington

While we are still using the temporary changing rooms the dress code for Tuesday's match will remain as "smart casual". There is an update to the team list so please check the current status.

Friday 27 March 2015

Match Result

The result of yesterday's match against Carswell was an emphatic win 5 - 1. Well done to everybody who took part in this very successful, very enjoyable event.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Result of the roll-up today (26th March).

FIRST: R. Day, D.Williams, R.Gent (99 points)
SECOND: R.Harris, R.Laban, P.Marcks (94 points)

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Roll Up - Thursday 26th. March

Because of the home match against Carswell the last tee time available for the roll up is 09.16. Don't be late!!

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Leon Stanford

Leon's funeral will be at 12.45 on Fri. 10th. April at Oxford Crematorium. Leon's family will be very pleased to see as many of the Senior Section there as possible.
If you are unable to make this you will be very welcome to meet with the family in our Sports Bar at 2.30. later that same day.

At the Oxford service, Leon's partner Jackie, would really appreciate somebody, from the seniors, speaking about Leon's golfing life. Armed with anecdotes, I am happy to do this but I feel sure that there must be someone who knew him well over a long period of time, who could make a much better job of it. I am afraid that I am not aware who this might be.
Please speak to me / contact me if this person is you or if you know who it should be.

April Subs

Please note that Brian will not be collecting April's subs until Thurs. 9th. (Yes, he's away again).

Tuesday 24th. March 2015

Result of today's Pairs Better Ball Stableford:

1st. -  John Robinson and Mike Smith   44 pts.
2nd. - Geoff Mills and Alex Tyrell   42 pts (CB)
3rd. - Bob Harvey and Dave Westman   42 pts.

Below is a veritable rouges gallery of trophy and medal winners from March competitions and the Bandit of the month from both February (no escape this time) and March. Keen (not Dougie) observers will notice that Barry Lund Appears TWICE.

In order of appearance:
Kevin Timms - Bandit of the Month for February
 Dougie Keen - Lan-Com Trophy

 Glyn Rees - March Medal

 Barry Lund - Hot Toddy

 Alex Tyrell - Winter Stableford

 Barry Lund - Bandit of the Month, March

Summer KO 1st Round Draw

Monday 23 March 2015

Leon Stanford

If they have not already heard, members will be sad to hear of Leon's death.
There will be a condolences card on the table at tomorrows roll up for people to add their names to.
At this time I do not know about funeral arrangements.

Friday 20 March 2015

Prize Giving - Tuesday 24th. March

Tuesday's Pairs Better Ball Stableford competition will have a 2 tee start so by AVOIDING SLOW PLAY everybody should be back reasonably close together.
PLEASE try to stay for the presentations. We have:

  • a number of early season trophies to award
  • a number of announcements to be made
  • a 'playing group' quiz to keep you busy while you are waiting for the last players. There will be a prize for this as well.
I hope to see you all on Tuesday AFTER the golf

Thursday 19 March 2015

Thursday 19th. March 2015

Result of today's Teasing Strokeplay competition:

Division 1
                Dave Westman - 71
                Alex Tyrell -       73

Division 2
                Eric Wearing - 72
                Gerry Collier - 73 (CB)

Division 3
                Kevin Timms -   69
                John Robinson - 71

Unfortunately there was an unsigned card today which had an effect on the result.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Division Numbers

In January the number of players in each division was very even. Since then this has not been the case and yesterday the numbers were: Div. 1 - 10; Div. 2 - 21; Div. 3 - 13.
 There were 9 members playing off a handicap of 20, so that moving these people into division 1 will not help to balance things out.
 There were 4 members playing off a handicap of 23, so I propose to include these people in division 3 as from Thursday 19th. March  i.e. division 2 will be for handicaps 20 - 22.
To resolve the division 1 shortfall requires a few members to get their act together in the spring weather and reduce their handicaps. Now who could I be thinking of?

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Spring Bank Holiday - Monday 25th. May

There is now a 'sign up sheet with a difference' on our notice board. Dave Holliday (the club captain) has asked us to enter 10 players to play a stableford competition alongside 10 juniors, 10 selected by the captain and 10 selected by the vice captain. The scoring system will decide the winning section.
Please add your name to the sign up sheet if you would like to play in this 'fun competition', alongside members of the other sections, on the morning of Monday 25th. May. 5 day members are able to enter.

Winter Stableford Results

Result of today's, Round 5:

Division 1
                Malcolm Saunders - 36 pts. (CB)
                Alex Tyrell -             36 pts.

Division 2
                Andy Wright - 37 pts.
                Roger Laban -  35 pts.

Division 3
                Richard Woodward - 36 pts.
                Graham Rutson -       32 pts.


Something of a dark horse, shooting up the leader board on the last leg to take the title by 1 point, is Alex Tyrell. Well done Alex and well done to those just behind.

1st. Alex Tyrell -     105 pts.
2nd. Dinger Long - 104 pts. John Watt - 104 pts.

Monday 16 March 2015

Thursday 19th. March

Thursday's Roll Up will be a Teasing STROKEPLAY competition. Please also note that the order of tees this time will be: Yellow, Red, White (Y,R.W).

Friday 13 March 2015

Rules, rule.

I am sure everybody agrees that we should all play to the same rules (the rules of golf!) but a number of recent 'incidents' suggest that this isn't so.
It has been suggested to me that:
 1 - where we are "in the know" we are not very good at informing miscreants where they are going wrong.
2 - we are not very good at seeking and accepting information from the same "in the knows" when we are unsure.
Please be open and helpful in this respect so as to continue to improve the general knowledge of the rules and create an even more level playing field for our competitions.

Any Comments?

Thursday 12 March 2015

The first two matches

Thank you for your positive responses to my inquiries of your availability for club matches.
I have selected and published the teams for the first two matches. The two teams are completely different, so that by the end of the month, 23 people will have already represented the section and the club. Please look on the 'Matches' section of the website for the team lists.

Thursday 12th. March 2015

Today's Results:
Individual Stableford Roll Up:

Division 1
                Malcolm Saunders - 39 pts.
                Mike Steward -         38 pts.

Division 2
                Dinger Long -  37 pts.
                Richard Gent - 35 pts.

Division 3
                Dave Butler - 37 pts.
                Bob Harvey - 35 pts.

U-Boat Final:

Dave Westman and Cliff Smith triumphed 5 and 4 over Dougie Keen and Richard Woodward .

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Stinchcombe Hill Tee Times

For those going to the Stinchcombe Hill Seniors Pairs Open, on April 15th, I have just received the tee times....
0944 Alan Lake & Bob Kirkwood
0952 Terry Edmunds & Graham Rutson
1000 Mike Steward & Cliff Smith
1008 Mike Smith & Alex Tyrell
1016 John Alexander & James Barnatt
1024 Kevin Timms & Malcolm Saunders
1032 Pat Hiles & Richard Gent

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Tuesday 10th. March 2015

Result of today's 'Hot Toddy Trophy'

Division 1
                Dave Williams -  73
                John Alexander - 74 (CB)

Division 2
               Kevin Timms - 72 (CB)
               Andy Wright -  72

Division 3
               Barry Lund - 68
               John Robinson - 76

Trophy winner: Congratulations to Barry Lund - 4 shots clear of the field.

Today we completely filled our tee time slots, and more. As from Thursday, I have arranged for two extra slots i.e. 07.48 and 07.56. early birds please note!

Sunday 8 March 2015

3 Things Next Week

1 - Thursday 12th. is the U-Boat Final and a Roll Up. The Roll Up will be a straightforward Individual Stableford with a nearest the pin prize at the 8th. (the 8th. has been selected to encourage all members to play over the water or even better, into the water and thereby contribute 50p. to the captains charity). The U-Boat Final will tee off at 08.36 am.

2 - Our first Inter-Club matches are later this month. I have been asking people about their availability. I still have to catch up with: Rae Comley, Billy Corcoran, Robin Day, Ron Feasey, Bert Hale, Roger Hinton, Kevin Sheehan, John Shields, Eric Wearing, Dave Westman, Roy Williams and Andy Wright. If you are one of these people, please try to see me on Tuesday so that I can publish teams for the first two matches.

3 - Another list. Brian (away again) has asked me to collect subs from: Tony Carter, Rae Comley, Billy Corcoran, Bob Harvey, Alan Lake, Derek Tidy, Roy Williams, Frank Hay and David Stone. Again, please try to see me, with your wallets, on Tuesday.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Thursday 5th. March 2015

Result of today's March Medal

Division 1
                David Williams - 71
                John Alexander - 74

Division 2
                Glyn Rees -     68
                Dinger Long - 75

Division 3
                Richard Woodward - 74
                Ron Deacon -             75

Therefore, the winner of the March Medal (impressively clear of the field) is Glyn Rees.

For today's event we exactly filled our allotted tee time slots. With better weather bringing more members out of hibernation I anticipate that we will need to organise more slots.

I apologise for the glitch that meant the Lan-Com result was not published. The result was:
1st. -  Dougie Keen
2nd. - Mike Smith
3rd. -  Malcolm Saunders
Thanks are due again to John Courtney for his continued organisation and sponsorship of this special event.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

'c' Competition Handicaps Review

On March 1st, the yearly review of players who had not played three qualifying comps in the previous 12 months was carried out.

As a result a number of Senior Section members' handicaps have become inactive and have had the 'c' status removed.

If you do not regularly play in the white tee comps then you should check the status of your handicap and bear in mind that if you do not hold an active competition handicap you will be ineligible to win any competitions until the 'c' status has been restored.

Monday 2 March 2015

Winter Stableford After 4 Rounds

Mr David Long104
Mr John Watt104
Mr James Barnatt100
Mr Michael Smith99
Mr Mike Steward98
Mr John Alexander97
Mr John Robinson96
Mr Roger Laban96
Mr D. J. Alan Jones95
Mr Alex Tyrell94
Mr David Westman94
Mr Andy Wright92
Mr Martin Buckingham92
Mr Cliff Smith92
Mr Robin Day89
Mr Patrick Marcks89
Mr Frank Hay88
Mr Kevin Timms87
Mr Richard Woodward87
Mr Alan Lake87
Mr Geoff Mills85
Mr Douglas Keen85
Mr Barry Lund83
Mr Graham Rutson83
Mr Richard Gent83
Mr Bert Hale83
Mr Gerry Collier81
Mr Colin Baker79
Mr Ron Feasey78
Mr Barry Holmes78
Mr William Ford73
Mr Glyn D Rees72
Mr Bob Harvey70
Mr Patrick Hiles66
Mr David Butler61
Mr Robert Macfarlane56