Thursday 5 March 2015

Thursday 5th. March 2015

Result of today's March Medal

Division 1
                David Williams - 71
                John Alexander - 74

Division 2
                Glyn Rees -     68
                Dinger Long - 75

Division 3
                Richard Woodward - 74
                Ron Deacon -             75

Therefore, the winner of the March Medal (impressively clear of the field) is Glyn Rees.

For today's event we exactly filled our allotted tee time slots. With better weather bringing more members out of hibernation I anticipate that we will need to organise more slots.

I apologise for the glitch that meant the Lan-Com result was not published. The result was:
1st. -  Dougie Keen
2nd. - Mike Smith
3rd. -  Malcolm Saunders
Thanks are due again to John Courtney for his continued organisation and sponsorship of this special event.

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