Wednesday 18 March 2015

Division Numbers

In January the number of players in each division was very even. Since then this has not been the case and yesterday the numbers were: Div. 1 - 10; Div. 2 - 21; Div. 3 - 13.
 There were 9 members playing off a handicap of 20, so that moving these people into division 1 will not help to balance things out.
 There were 4 members playing off a handicap of 23, so I propose to include these people in division 3 as from Thursday 19th. March  i.e. division 2 will be for handicaps 20 - 22.
To resolve the division 1 shortfall requires a few members to get their act together in the spring weather and reduce their handicaps. Now who could I be thinking of?

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