Tuesday 24 March 2015

Tuesday 24th. March 2015

Result of today's Pairs Better Ball Stableford:

1st. -  John Robinson and Mike Smith   44 pts.
2nd. - Geoff Mills and Alex Tyrell   42 pts (CB)
3rd. - Bob Harvey and Dave Westman   42 pts.

Below is a veritable rouges gallery of trophy and medal winners from March competitions and the Bandit of the month from both February (no escape this time) and March. Keen (not Dougie) observers will notice that Barry Lund Appears TWICE.

In order of appearance:
Kevin Timms - Bandit of the Month for February
 Dougie Keen - Lan-Com Trophy

 Glyn Rees - March Medal

 Barry Lund - Hot Toddy

 Alex Tyrell - Winter Stableford

 Barry Lund - Bandit of the Month, March

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