Tuesday 7 March 2017

A day that started a wee bit nippy but ended up really quite warm, I should not have worn those long johns!
Tony ward led the way today we an excellent round of 86, I think that is Tony's first win here.
His handicap has been adjusted accordingly to 15.4, quite right I hear the rest of you say.

And who is going to stop Mike Dawson continued run as the main man in Division 2


New Handicap
Anthony Ward 86 - 17 = 69    15.4
Mike Dawson 103 - 27 = 7627.2
Douglas Keen 90 - 17 = 73    16.8
Kevin Sheehan 106 - 28 = 7828.0
James Barnatt 88 - 14 = 74    14.0
Martin Buckingham 106 - 28 = 7828.0
John Watt 96 - 21 = 75     21.4
Gerry Collier 101 - 22 = 7922.0
Rod Rapley 94 - 18 = 76    17.5
Barry Lund 105 - 24 = 8124.5
Alex Tyrell 93 - 17 = 76   16.5

Division 2 Results
                                                                 New Handicap
Mike Dawson 103 - 27 = 76     27.2
Douglas Keen 90 - 17 = 7316.8
Kevin Sheehan 106 - 28 = 78     28.0
James Barnatt 88 - 14 = 7414.0
Martin Buckingham 106 - 28 = 78     28.0
John Watt 96 - 21 = 7521.4
Gerry Collier 101 - 22 = 79    22.0
Rod Rapley 94 - 18 = 7617.5
Barry Lund 105 - 24 = 81     24.5
Alex Tyrell 93 - 17 = 7616.5
D. J. Alan Jones 105 - 24 = 81     23.8

It's a Rollup for the Backward Bowmaker on Thursday.
Teams of 3 players with all 3 players scores counting on the first 6 holes, then 2 scores counting on the next 6 and finally just 1 score counting on the final 6

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