Thursday, 9 March 2017

Hi all,

A glorious Oxford spring morning, when the sun came out.

The winners of the Backward Bowmaker today were as follows

1. Alex Tyrell, Eric Wearing and Derek Tidy - Winnings £4 each

2. Pat Hiles, Kevin Sheehan and Alan Jones - winnings £2 each

Apologies, I did not take a note of the actual Stableford points for the winners.

There have been some additions to the start sheets for both The Hot Toddy and Eric Clack competitions, and I noticed that some of the later timings were incorrect so please reacquaint yourselves with the tee off times

U- Boat Semi Final

The semi final of the U-Boat Trophy was also played today between Paddy Marcks and John Watt against Cliff Smith and James Barnatt
The Winners were Paddy and John, congratulations to them.

They will now play Richard Gent and Ron Feasy, which is scheduled for the 27th April

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