Thursday 20 April 2017

Good Evening All

Several bits and pieces to post tonight.

Firstly I got the cards and sign up sheet from Tuesday so that result (rather belatedly) with 18 playing

Div 1
1st Mike Smith 40pts  2nd Andy Wright 34pts

Div 2

1st Cliff Surman 38pts 2nd Dave Butler 36pts

Congratulations to Mike and Cliff, we lost the match at Naunton Downs 4 to 2 and had a really good day on one of the most interesting courses we play. Nice opposition and very friendly.

Today another good turn out on a day that was a bit damp, results as below.
A couple of people asked about the reason for using the yellow tees on a summer competition. We had a committee meeting about three weeks ago and as agreed at the AGM reviewed the tees following on from the winter stableford. We decided as that arrangement had been very well received and with our confidence about using yellow tee competitions as "Qualifying Competitions" we would continue with the yellow tees for the summer stableford

As you will see I came in with 40 pts and once again the scores were pretty good.

I will post the Teams and next weeks arrangements separately later this evening

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