Thursday 27 April 2017

Thanks to all who played today and stayed behind for the prize giving, my apologies to the last group  as I started without them because I thought we were all in.
In no Particular order
Todays game
1st Glyn Rees and Mike Dawson
2nd Roy Williams and Derek Tidy

Winners of the U Boat
Ron Feasey and Richard Gent with Ron getting a par on the first extra hole

Todays Nearest the pin

Bill Ford

Winner of the Reg Mills Memorial Trophy

Mike Smith

Winner of the April Medal

Rod Rapley

And last but by no means least Bandit of the Month

Roy Williams

So I've posted next weeks team for Tuesday, Doug Keen will run the Roll Up and I've posted the Medal start list for Thursday.
And dont forget subs next week, entries to the singles KO and the Charity Open as soon as you like.

Now I'm going for a lay down before my granddaughters arrive.

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