Thursday 6 April 2017

What a beautiful day. We had a very nice match,the sun shone, and the Haddon Hill players were  very complimentary, ( about the course not our golf).
The food was good and we won 4.5 to 1.5.

22 played in the roll up and scores were pretty good
Div 1 1st Geoff Mills 38 points 2nd Mike Smith 35 points
Div 2 !st Dinger Long 39 points 2nd Roy Williams 34points.

Well done to everyone and good to see Roy back in the game.

We are all ready for our away day next Tuesday I have the groupings list which I will try and post on this blog later
There wont be anything arranged at the Lakes.

I will also make the Draw for the April Medal in the next day or so and post times on the Tee time list.


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