Friday 2 February 2018


During the committee meeting yesterday, one matter arising was the fragmentation of tee off times by the members.
Some are teeing off earlier and some much later with the bulk of players somewhere in the middle
The overwhelming feeling was that this fragmentation was not in the best interests of having a Witney Lakes Club approach.

Therefore the committee have decided thatwith immediate effect the set tee times must be adhered to, for players to be entered into the competition.

This means that currently the first tee off time is 8.30 am and the last tee off time is 9.58 am. Any players teeing off outside these times will not be entered into the competitions.

Please note - Tee times will change from 1st March 2018 from 8.00 am to 9.28 am 

Any concerns on this please feel free to discuss with any of the committee members

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