Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Good Afternoon Golfers

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, and have kept warm and well fed.

I have no doubt you are all desperate to get out onto the golf course tomorrow and to that end I have made my way through the fog and frost to pin a start sheet up in the changing rooms for tomorrow.

HOWEVER the fog this morning meant the course wasn't open till around 11:00 and I'm not sure tomorrow will be much different. If it is open we only have the Tee reserved till 9:30 due to other bookings.

There were people playing this afternoon when I popped over, but frankly it didn't look all that safe to me.

Ron Feasey will look after the cards (Thank You Ron) if you do get to play and I will see you next Tuesday, when its a team game.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Good Evening Golfers Everywhere

The results of todays "Step Aside" Texas Scramble as Follows

First Bob Kirkwood, Andy Wright and Gln Rees 68.17

Second Mike Smith, Geoff Mills and Paddy Marcks 68.5

Third Doug Keen, Gerry Collier and Mike Dawson 69.0

I hope you all enjoyed the format, one I had not played before, I found it was good fun and surprisingly quick.

The "Nearest the Pin" results were as follows
Hole 6 Andy Wright, Hole 12 Alex Tyrell, Holes 8 AND 15 Bill Ford. All pretty good shots, none of the usual just sneaking onto the green and waiting for everyone else to cock it up today

Glyn Rees has your prizes and you should try and collect them from him on the 29th

Competitions for next week as follows


Nothing arranged just turn up and play


We only have the Tee from 8:00 till 9:30 due to other bookings so no Prize Giving this month, there will be a Roll Up, I am away so Ron Feasey will look after you all for me.

Thanks to Ron and Thanks to all the rest of you for your help and support over the last two months.

And finally

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

According to the How Did I Do stats someone in division 1 scored a hole in one on the Tenth, I'll be interested to find out more about that
Results from today's Winter Stableford Round 2

31 Played on a really pleasant December day, congratulations to our prize winners, the course was long enough to count as a qualifying competition so handicaps adjusted accordingly.

Thursday is the last game before Christmas so I have organised spot prizes and mince pies afterwards.
There are rumours of dodgy weather end of the week but come along later for a mince pie and end of year get together even if you dont want to play.


Friday, 16 December 2016

Result from yesterday.

 20 played plus two UBoat matches so a good turnout for the time of year and gloomy conditions.

Just one division for prizes ( coincidentally all from Div1)
First Dave Williams 68
Second on countback Alex Tyrell 71
Third Geoff Mills 71

Congratulations to all

Sorry for the Delay in Posting yesterdays result, I hadnt realised till last night there had been a computer malfunction.

Looking at the course yesterday as I played I think the Tees were a bit too far forward for the competition to be Qualifying for handicap adjustment, I'll try and make sure we are OK for Tuesdays Winter Stableford.

Next Thursday as our last game before Christmas I am planning a Texas Scramble followed by Mince Pies in the Sports Bar, come along if you can.


Tuesday, 13 December 2016

We had 21 brave souls taking on the elements today in our Backwards Bowmaker Competition

Because of low numbers only one prize today so congratulations to James Barnatt and Ron Deacon who managed to carry the captain round for a team score of 75 which won by one from Rae Comley, Robin Day and Richard Gent.

Despite intense scrutiny and numerous technical challenges by Gerry and Doug the result was declared valid, so well done to all and considering the rain we have had I think congratulations go to Martin and his ground staff  with the course playing really well and looking good in the gloom.

So Thursday is an Individual Stroke Play Roll Up which could be a qualifying competition if the course is set up OK, we'll have to decide after seeing where the Tees are, they should be within 100 yards of the measured course for it to qualify.

Two U Boat games are scheduled to play I have just inserted them into the main game, also next Tuesdays Winter Stab 2 is drawn and I will post the start times on the notice board Thursday or look on the Tee Times page now.


Sunday, 11 December 2016

Good Evening Golfers

This week I had penciled in the next round of the U Boat for Tuesday, so far no one has let me know they want to play Tuesday but one game (Richard Gent et al) have organised for Thursday. If you want to play your match up to you to organise and reserve a slot in the start sheet. This round should be finished by the the end of January.

Otherwise we have a Backwards Bowmaker Tuesday (Please read the Rules) and an Individual Stroke Play game Thursday, lists will be up in the changing rooms early in the morning of the game

Second Round of the Winter Stableford is next week and I will be taking the list down Tuesday.


Thursday, 8 December 2016

Todays results for the December Medal.

Personally I thought the winner of Division 1 was very unlucky to lose to the winner of Division 2 on countback

Next Tuesday we have a chance to play in the next round of the U Boat. If you want to reserve a slot let me know, otherwise we will have a Roll Up and play the postponed Backward Bowmaker from Tuesday


Monday, 5 December 2016

Good Day

I was away the weekend so have only just posted the start times for Thursdays Medal

There are a couple of incomplete groups however recent experience tells me that there will be drop outs and people who forgot/ couldn't sign in anyway so there will need to be some flexibility and adjustments on the morning. To make it easier for the early starters I'll put a copy of the list in the changing room as well as the sports bar for information


Friday, 2 December 2016

Good Morning Golfers

The results from Yesterdays Erics Game as follows
1st Gerry Collier 15 points ( or strokes or whatever they are)
2nd Roy Williams  19 points on countback
3rd Mike Dawson 19 points

Congratulations with Christmas coming I am sure you will want to buy your golfing colleagues a nice present and this should go towards it

No formal game next Tuesday due to Bert Hales funeral but the list for the December Medal next Thursday should appear  over the weekend


Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Yesterdays pictures from Prize giving (I presume I let go of the shield eventually)

Congratulations to all 

What a fine looking crew we have and I was definitely right about The Pat in the Hat

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Gentlemen dont have the photos yet  from todays prize giving but I am expecting Pat to look particularly fetching in that hat.

Winners for today
Congratulations to Cliff Smith, Alex Tyrell, John Watt and Roy Williams I didn't take a note of the score but I do remember it wasn't many more than Timms, Alexander and Long managed with just three fit players.

The sign up sheet for Erics game on Thursday is on the changing room notice board.

Just a reminder its the Golf Club committee next week if you have anything for me to raise let me know this week

see you Thursday (not too early)


Sunday, 27 November 2016

Of course I meant Tuesday for the prize giving
Sitting here with the Royal and Ancient it all looks good for the next week, cold and sunny for the team games Tuesday and warmer but cloudy for Erics game on Thursday.

We have at the moment 7 teams of four for Thursday any changes please let me know as soon as possible so I can try to keep it complete teams. If there are any extras want to roll up and play unless there are four of you the main competition will be difficult but we have 2 nearest the pin prizes which everyone can play for.


Thursday, 24 November 2016

Todays results hot from the press, (not quite so hot on the Golf Course)

The preliminary rounds of the uboat are complete thanks to all involved. I will pin a new sheet up showing the current state of the draw next week

24 Players today so  just one division, good scoring considering the conditions
1st Barry Lund 72 (on count back)
2nd Dave Williams 72
3rd Kevin Timms 73 (hooray I hear you all say)

The game for next Tuesday is on the blog and on the notice board I'll sort out next Thursdays roll up over the weekend

See you next week


Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Good Morning to all my fellow Witney Lakers

Today I have posted the teams and start times for next Tuesdays Prize giving and the December Calendar.
I haven't seen the weather forecast for tomorrow but I'm nearly dry now so looking forward to it already


Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Wow what a day about 30 seconds after the rain started I remembered I'd left my waterproof trousers drying in the garage. I'm going to get a check list in place for Thursday.

A really good turn out considering the conditions and some really good scores as well even if not everyone made it all the way round today

Lets hope for better weather for Thursday

On a more somber note I learned that Bert Hales Funeral is at the South Oxford Crematorium on 6th Dec at 13:00.

A lot of you signed the condolences card today I will bring it again Thursday in case you missed it 

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Its Sunday so it must be golf sorting out time for all you mad keen golfers.

Tuesday its the Round 1 of the Winter Stableford, I posted the start sheet last week, there were a couple of additions and at the moment I have planned the last two groups as four balls to make it more friendly, that may change when we see what the day brings.

Thursday is U boat and roll up. For the U boat after talking to those involved I have allocated the first two slots and a slot at 9:30 for the other game, I hope that works out for you all.
The Roll Up will be something different from the qualifiers we've been playing lately I thought a 3 clubs plus a putter stroke play game. The sign up sheet will start off in the changing room and the rules are PRINTED ON THE BACK.

Several have asked me about a calendar for the year, I have one which I shared at the AGM at the moment I am just making sure it fits in with the calendar the main club are producing to replace the usual diaries, as soon as that's firmed up I will post it on the internet.

I'll post the December games sometime this week


Thursday, 17 November 2016

Results from todays Roll Up, as there was a smaller turnout we will just give prizes to first and second

A windy day and raining at the end but 14 brave souls battled their way around the course. I had proposed a 9 hole friendly game as well, but I was the only one who turned up. The course was empty so I played 2 balls one against the other and was going well until I lost  both balls on the 8th.


I am very sorry to have to tell you all that Bert Hale passed away earlier this week. I expect some of you already knew.

I dont have much information about the exact circumstances except I understand that he had been struggling with pneumonia for some time, I will post more information about what happened and when his funeral will be taking place as soon as I have it. In the meantime we will have a condolences card to sign at next Tuesdays game


Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Good Evening from Blog Headquarters

Todays Results as follows

Again some Really Good scores you must like all these qualifying games.

I have left the Sign Up sheets for Thursday in the changing room and I have posted the start times for next Tuesdays Winter Stableford.

Dont forget Thursday we will have a 9 hole friendly session for those who are interested I estimate from around 9:00.

For the 3 UBoat preliminaries I have allocated three tee times from 9:30 onwards on the 24th, if you want to do something different let me know Thursday


Sunday, 13 November 2016

Good Afternoon Games for thisWeek

Tuesday Individual Stableford off yellow Tees
Thursday Individual Stroke Play off Yellow Tees

I have asked for the course to be set up to allow these games to be played off the measured course, so as long as that is OK we will make them qualifying games

I will take the entry list for round 1 of the Winter Stableford down Tuesday and do the draw by Thursday so get your names down if you haven't already.

Also after the discussions we had at the AGM I thought we could try a 9 hole game for those who want on Thursday. (Thursday looks cold and could be wet later according to the forecast)
So no prizes no fee but if you want to play a gentle 9 holes then roll up around 9:00 on Thursday.


Thursday, 10 November 2016

Controversy reigned today as some of our intrepid golfers clearly had not seen the rules that were posted with the sign up sheet, I'm not quite sure how that happened. Despite Doug and Gerry's protestations no skulduggery was suspected

However in future I will try and make sure that for all "non standard" games the rules are printed on the bottom or back of the entry sheet.

So 27 played today and the winners with a cracking good score were
Mike Dawson, Pat Hiles and Roy Williams on 88 points

Alex Tyrell, Mike Smith and Derek Tidy with 81 points.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Good Afternoon Golfers

31 of us in the medal today but first the delayed result from last Thursday.
It was a Teesing team game in which 30 took part and congratulations to

1st Doug Keen, Gerry Collier and John Watt 108 points
2nd Mike Dawson, Alan Lake and Dave Williams 105 points.

Todays medal Results as below

Well Done to John Alexander November Medal Winner

I have put the Entry Sheets for Thursdays game on the changing room notice board. Look forward to seeing you then


Saturday, 5 November 2016

Afternoon Golfers

This weeks games

I'm sure you realise its the November Medal on Tuesday, the tee times are on the web and on the seniors notice board in the sports bar. There have been a couple of extras since the original sign up but I think we can cope with a couple of 4 balls if no one else turns up.

Thursdays roll up is a Pink Ball Team game, this is a stableford yellow tee variation on the yellow peril

Teams of three take it in turns to play the pink ball, six times each, and the score for each hole is the pink ball plus the best other score so a par score is nett 72 points

If you hadn't noticed Brian is still on holiday but back and looking for your cash on the 17th

Friday, 4 November 2016


I'm almost back on the case now the babysitting for this week is over and I have published Tuesdays result below.
Looks like a good turn out and some great scores, as it was our first yellow tee qualifying comp watch out for those handicap changes when  marking your card in next Tuesdays medal.

I haven't seen Thursdays start sheet or results yet, so I will publish that as soon as I can.

(I'm not sure why I get the funny font from How did I do, I'll try and sort it out for next time.)

Information about next weeks games tomorrow


Player Score New Exact
After Count-Back
After Count-Back

Mr Clifford Surman 40c 24.3
Mr Richard Gent 39c 22.8
Mr D. J. Alan Jones 38c 23.9
Mr Ron Deacon 38c 28.0
Mr David Long 37c 23.7
Mr Glyn D Rees 34c 23.7
Mr Eric Wearing 34c 21.6
Mr Barry Lund 34c 26.2
Mr Kevin Sheehan 33c 28.0
Mr John Robinson 33c 26.8
Mr Mike Dawson 32c 25.9
Mr William Ford 32c 23.4
Mr Derek Tidy 32c 28.0
Mr Richard Harris 32c 28.0
Mr Cliff Smith 31c 21.6
Mr Ron Feasey 31c 21.8
Mr Martin Buckingham 30c 28.0
Mr Patrick Hiles 30c 28.0
Mr Barrie Black 29c 27.3
Mr David Butler 26c 28.0
Mr Nigel Pitchforth 26c 28.0

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Two Roll Ups this week, an individual Stableford Tuesday and a Teesing team game Thursday

I wont be at the club Tuesday or Thursday but will be able to put the sign up sheets in the changing room for you early starters.

Gerry Collier will look after the cards on Tuesday and Rod Rapley will be in control (?) on Thursday.

For those of you who don't know I have chosen a local organisation for my Captains Charity, Yellow Submarine. I will post some information on the notice board.

The charity hole will be the 16th and as 2 years ago, if you don't get a nett par or better please could you help me support local young people with special needs and make a contribution in the collecting tin

Thanks  and I hope you have a good week


Saturday, 29 October 2016

Good Morning

After a good evening at the hand over and prize giving I have added the November Schedule and U Boat draw.

Preliminary round of the U Boat by the end of November please.

Took too many pictures last night to publish them all I'll put them on the notice board later. In the mean time Barry giving Annie a well earned bouquet and a picture of the golfers with the charity cheque for £1280.
details about this weeks roll ups to follow tomorrow


Thursday, 27 October 2016

Today we saw the October Prize Giving after playing a (very quick) Foursomes competition, which I hope you all enjoyed as a change from the usual 4 ball better ball.

Today was won by Dave Williams and Mike Dawson beating the "Dream Team" of Doug Keen and Mike Smith into second place.
Prizwinners for October were Bill Ford for the October Medal and Dinger Long for the Ewart Chitty, congratulations to both

Also Today we presented trophies and mementos to earlier winners who cannot be at the Hand Over Dinner tomorrow
Doug Keen for the Bill Graves Trophy, Terry Edmunds for the Club Championship and Allan Lake for the Steve Putt Trophy  And thanks to Bill "Lord Lichfield " Ford for the camera work

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

DATE: Thursday 27th October  2016
FORMAT: Stableford


1 Players play alternate shots until the ball is holed out
2 One player plays tee shots on odd number holes, the other player plays tee shots on even number holes. Once decided this cannot be changed for the whole round
3 Handicap allowance is half of two players handicaps added together
4 Penalty strokes DO NOT affect order of play
First Tee

8:00 Alan Jones &Martin Buckingham                   James Barnatt &Gerry Collier

8:10 Derek Tidy &John Watt                              Mike Dawson & Dave Williams

8:20 Alex Tyrell &Richard Gent                             Barry Lund & Geoff Mills

8:30 Alan Lake & Cliff Smith                             Ron Feasey & Kevin Timms

Tenth Tee

8:00 Doug Keen & Mike Smith                 Paddy Marcks & Cliff Surman

8:10 Eric wearing &John Robinson         Pat Hiles & Bill Ford

8:20 Dinger Long & Roy Williams          Rod Rapley & Bob Kirkwood
Good Afternoon Golfers Everywhere

34 played in todays roll up most seemed to enjoy it, results were as follows

Div 1 1st Alex Tyrell 41 pts 2nd Mike Smith 40 pts

Div 2 1st Rae Comley 35 pts 2nd Eric Wearing 34 pts

Div 3 1st Dave Butler 36 pts (after cb) 2nd Richard Gent 36 pts

I have held the draw for pairs for Thursday (independantly witnessed) and will post it soon ( as soon as I find out how )
The last comment was especially for Doug as he likes to see me struggle

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Looking forward to a Busy Week

Tuesdays game is a Teesing Stableford, Barry had it planned as a team game but as we have a team game Thursday I have changed it to an individual competition.
Sign Up sheets for early starters are in the changing room, I will be there to finish up at the end

Wednesday evening we have the AGM please come along and get involved in the plans for next year

Thursday is Prize Giving I am planning a change from the normal 4 Ball to a Foursomes competition (where pairs play one ball with alternating strike). I dont know why we dont often play this (ever?) as its one of the standard Ryder Cup formats. I'll make the draw for pairs on Tuesday.
We have 25 signed up as of today so a few more players please.

Friday we have the handover dinner and the last day to sign up is early Tuesday as I have to give numbers to the chef.

Payment for the dinner to me any time this week please.


Friday, 21 October 2016

10 of us had a very enjoyable day at Shrivenham lots of leaves on the course but very friendly and a good way to finish off the matches for 2016

Shrivenham lent us a player and with some adjustment we managed 6 matches which we won 4 to 2.

On behalf of Captain Barry ( and myself at the end). Thanks everyone who supported the matches this year and look forward to 2017 matches where we have a full calendar again.

For the roll up we played Erics Game; 21 turned up and the results were as follows
Div 1 1st Dave Williams 16
           2nd Mike Smith 19
Div 2 1st Rae Comley 19
           2nd Eric Wearing 20
Div 3 1st Dinger Long 16
           2nd Alan Jones 18

Special thanks to Gerry Collier for organising the game


Tuesday, 18 October 2016

30 Turned out for todays Roll Up, I hear it was a bit wet at the start but very nice by the time I turned up. How many more nice days this year I wonder

The clear winners with 75 Points were Tony Carter, Richard Gent and Cliff Surman and the runners up with 71 points, tied with two other teams but after count back, were Geoff Mills, Eric wearing and Roger Laban.
Congratulations to all

Thursday is Erics Game and as I am at the match against Shrivenham Gerry Collier has agreed to run the Roll Up. If hes not in the Sports Bar look for the sheets in the changing rooms as he is aware of what we did today.

Lastly a reminder to book your places at the handover dinner on the 28th I will have to confirm numbers early next Tuesday, A last chance to say cheerio to Captain Barry and celebrate the trophy winners from this year ( as well as have a nice time with you fellow golfers). I'll be looking for money anytime before the night, prize giving would be a good opportunity if you dont see me before.


Monday, 17 October 2016

Latest Update on Thursday

Shrivenham will welcome 10 of us on Thursday and are looking for an extra 2 from Shrivenham. If we have more wishing to play they can be included as long as I know tomorrow.
Our team and the details should now be on the Matches Tab (as long as I have managed to work out how to do it)

Good Morning All
It only seems like a short while ago I was appealing for extra players for a match and here I am doing it again. We are 1 possibly 2 players short for the match at Shrivenham on Thursday. I have told the opposition and am trying to organise a match with 10 per side, I'll keep you informed about what happens. In the mean time is there anybody able to play please let me know on
01865 880654 or 07910021240.

For tomorrow we have a Bowmaker Team game and I have pinned the start sheets to the notice board in the changing rooms, can the first who arrive after the Sports Bar opens take them upstairs please. I will be there for the finish and will sort everything out at the end.
On Thursday we have Erics Game and if we still have a match at Shrivenham I will need someone to look after the paperwork. Perhaps someone can volunteer when I see you all tomorrow


Sunday, 16 October 2016

Bye for now from the outgoing captain ...

I have been a member at Witney Lakes since 1996, and have played golf in the Seniors' Section since 2004. Over that time I have made many friends at Witney Lakes and enjoyed the camaraderie, friendship and good humour of many seniors. I thank you all for your great company.

Next week I shall be off to Devon, and hopefully if you are passing my way you might like to pop in for a drink, chat and maybe a game of golf. I will leave my contact details with a few so word will soon spread as to where I can be found.

Hopefully, I will return for the presentation evening at the end of the month.

Bye for now!

I leave you with a copy of my report for the AGM.

Firstly I would like to thank all members of the Seniors' Golf Committee for assisting in the running of the Seniors' Section this year. My thanks also extend to the senior golfers for making my year as captain run smoothly without too many hitches.

We must never forget the hard work of the green keepers for giving us a course well-fit to play on, day-after-day, month-after-month. Visiting teams had plenty of praise for the condition of the course - a big thank you to Martin Burbanks and his green keepers.

A thank you to the cooperation of the management at Witney Lakes for their support of the Seniors' Section in running our weekly programme of golf, the Charity Open and the numerous home fixtures.

The number of senior players is considerably down on previous years – 5 years ago we had about 60 regular players, now we are down to half the number.


Owing to the reduced numbers of senior players it has proved a struggle on many occasions to get a full team of 12 players for a fixture. Only after some nagging did we get a full compliment every time. I cannot thank enough those seniors who time-after-time supported the fixtures. You know who you are and without you the fixtures would have collapsed! The fixtures provide a great opportunity for seniors to play on other courses in the region and I would have thought that this would have been a great incentive for all seniors to play in matches.

The Seniors play 21 fixtures with other clubs over the season. At the time of writing we had won 12 matches, drawn 1 match and lost 7 matches. I wish Kevin and his team success against Shrivenham and hopefully we can make that 13 wins!

Our home matches bring in a minimum of £3600 in revenue to Witney Lakes through catering, not to mention an increase in revenue at the bar. If senior numbers dwindle and we play fewer fixtures this will impact on the revenue to Witney Lakes. Surely this is a good reason for the Lakes to promote the Seniors' Section?

The Senior Captain's Charity this year was Prostate Cancer UK and you have raised £1280, a cheque to be presented to the charity at the presentation evening on the 28th October.

The programme of golf offered to seniors is very varied with formal and informal, individual and team competitions. I know that a few have moaned about the number of team competitions, but many have enjoyed the camaraderie of playing team games and the opportunity of winning as a team. I hope you continue the format. I know there will be much debate about the number of 'white tee' competitions. A re-balancing is probably needed and I would support both the Winter and Summer Stablefords being played off the yellow tees.

Finally my term as Seniors' Captain is finished and I urge you all to give Kevin Timms your maximum support in running golf for the section over the next year.

Barry Holmes – October 2016

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Results from the games being played today ...

Congratulations to Richard Gent the winner of the roll-up individual Stableford.

Congratulations to Mike Smith the winner of the Seniors' Masters Competition for 2016.

PlayerScoreNew Exact
Mr Michael Smith86 - 15c = 7114.3After Count-Back
Mr Terry Edmunds79 - 8c = 717.9Lowest Gross After Count-Back
Mr Alan Lake91 - 20c = 7119.5After Count-Back
Mr Rae Comley96 - 22c = 7421.6
Mr Alex Tyrell93 - 17c = 7616.8
Mr Douglas Keen94 - 18c = 7617.7
Mr Cliff Smith98 - 22c = 7621.5
Mr D. J. Alan Jones102 - 24c = 7823.9
Mr Rod Rapley95 - 17c = 7817.1
Mr John Alexander92 - 13c = 7912.8
Mr William Ford102 - 23c = 7923.3
Mr David Long105 - 24c = 8123.7
Mr Kevin Timms99 - 18c = 8117.8
Mr Gerry Collier101 - 20c = 8120.2
Mr John Watt103 - 21c = 8221.1
Mr Patrick Marcks103 - 19c = 8419.0
Mr Barry Lund111 - 26c = 8526.2
Mr Glyn D Rees111 - 24c = 8723.7

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Results from the Ewart Chitty Memorial Trophy played today ...

I am assuming that Dinger Long is at least 70 years of age, in which case congratulations to Dinger for returning a score of 40 points and winning the Ewart Chitty Memorial Trophy for 2016.

The results over the three divisions are as follows. I did say that I wanted prizes to be distributed for first and second place over the three divisions regardless of age! Once again congratulations to all those in this category.

Division 1
New Exact
After Count-Back
After Count-Back

Division 2
New Exact

Division 3
New Exact